Tuesday 19 May 2009

ECJ decides ownership and operation of pharmacies can be restricted to pharmacists alone

The European Court of Justice has today ruled on the infringement procedures against Italy and Germany started by the European Commission. Not in a good way I must say as they declare that ownership and operation of pharmacies can be restricted to pharmacists alone.
And they do it based on such a strange perception of humans that I really don’t know where to start. To quote from their press release:

“It is undeniable that a pharmacist, like other persons, pursues the objective of making a profit. However, as a pharmacist by profession, he is presumed to operate the pharmacy not with a purely economic objective, but also from a professional viewpoint. His private interest connected with the making of a profit is thus tempered by his training, by his professional experience and by the responsibility which he owes, given that any breach of the rules of law or professional conduct undermines not only the value of his investment but also his own professional existence.”

So since the court seems to believe that profits are made by hurting others, not realising that manage any business successfully means ensuring that you have a good reputation and that you follow the rules of law etc we are stuck with the old, inefficient and very costly guilder systems in Europe for pharmaceutical distribution.

1 comment:

  1. that's just stupid, soon only priests and religious officials will be able to run individual Member country's.
