Sunday, 11 October 2009

The Europa Donna - Breast Health Day

Europa Donna have launched a campaign aiming at increasing awareness of breast health leading up to the October 15 Breast Health Day. Their key message is that physical activity can be a lifesaver since 10-16 % of all breast cancer estimates originate from inactivity. As breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide with an estimated 430.000 new cases, only in Europe every year their campaign if successful could potentially save 40.000 women every year from breast cancer. My favorite from the campaign material is the little checklist available in the leaflet “More active today for your breast health tomorrow”.

I love checklists and hands on fill out guides that encourage immediate action. It engages and involves much more than the usual one-way information. They also give advice on 7 things women can do for their breast health. One of them is sending your friends this card.

Now interesting is that self-examination is not one of these 7 points. In Sweden the organizations active in the area still promote self examination since it engages and involves women but research at Danish Rikshospitalet by Peter C Gøtzsche do show that it is mostly damaging and leading to unnecessary surgery and worry. When doctors start talking about unnecessary worry I usually have a problem with anyone who think we have an over consumption of healthcare or that patients should not worry about their health. They should.

Doctors on the other hand should be able to ensure that there is no unnecessary surgery - also when women worries.

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